Mirza's exploits allegedly include an aborted bid on the life of UP Chief Minister Kalyan Singh in Nainital. Mirza's murder had also stunned the Mumbai underworld as most fugitives had, at some point in time, used Mirza's good offices for passage out of the country.
On 25 October 2015, Rajan was captured in Bali, Indonesia where Indian authorities contacted Interpol for deporting him back to India. The capture took place due to a tip-off by Australian police stating that Rajan had travelled to Bali with an Indian passport by the name Mohan Kumar.[14] According to CBI sources, the underworld don was standing in a queue at the airport when the immigration authorities asked him to step aside and reveal his name. To this, the gangster first gave his original name Rajendra Sadashiv Nikalje, and then immediately corrected himself to say, Mohan Kumar, the name mentioned on his passport. This alerted the authorities, and they started questioning him. The authorities then started the identification process with the help of fingerprint tests. 11 out of 18 points of fingerprint samples given in the Red Corner notice matched with his samples, confirming that he was Rajendra Sadashiv Nikalje.[22] Rajan was extradited to India on 6 November 2016 and is currently in Tihar Jail, awaiting trial in almost 70 cases.[23]
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